Sunday May 21 – Bear Creek Trail Clearing Ride

Convoy leaves Vernon @ 8:30am, 10:00am Ride Start

It’s time to hit the Bear Creek trails on Westside Road, in exchange for trail clearing you get to ride for free for the day. Bring your chainsaw, handsaw or just bring some gloves to help chuck logs off the trails.

Our usual convoy leaves the Tim Horton’s on 58th Avenue across from Walmart Vernon at 8:30am for Terrace Mountain Road on the Westside. We will wait at the bottom of Terrace Mountain Road (just past the LaCasa Resort development) until 9:15am then will drive up until we find a suitable area to park and unload safely along the road, the preride safety meeting starts at 10:00am. Map of meeting location to Terrace Mountain Road.

Ride speed with reach up to 60kmh on Forest Service Roads, ride difficulty will be beginner to intermediate with assistance should we encounter difficult obstacles. We may pass recreation sites with outhouse facilities so plan accordingly.

Ride Recap

Thanks to Bear Creek trail trimmers (Angeline, Brad, David and Jeremy) who braved the morning deluge to get a couple hours cutting blowdown further off the trail before the heavy rain returned after lunch.

The trails we rode were all passable but the Okanagan Trail Riders Association encourage everyone to trim back a couple feet further which adds a huge safety factor and produces a really nice trail –…/videos

It was a really fun ride, check out the track on GaiaGPS and remember to buy your day or season pass for riding at Bear Creek. –

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