2020 supervillain COVID-19 strikes again!
The Vernon ATV Club has temporarily suspended organized club rides to comply with the current COVID-19 regulations in BC. We are monitoring updates from the BC Public Health Officer for when we can host organized rides again.
The current restrictions prohibit events and gatherings, we fall squarely under this category which is defined as “an in-person gathering of people in any place whether private or public, inside or outside”.
If you look back at the history of Vernon ATV Club rides they typically pick up in the fall and continue through the winter until it’s too deep for us to ride (but even then we typically ride) but this year we’ve come up against a formidable foe that is messing up absolutely everything.
As a club we must abide by the regulations set down by the PHO so we can’t organize rides until the regulations and restrictions are lifted.
Rest assured, the second we can safely interact in organized groups again, the Vernon ATV Club will have events scheduled for everyone to enjoy. Until then warm up your favourite YouTube channel, work on your machine or take up knitting(?).