King Eddy/Noble Canyon Cleanup Recap

12 members of the Vernon ATV Club gathered roadside garbage from 0 to 7km on King Eddy Road and at the abandoned RV at 2km on Noble Canyon Road Friday May 26 and Saturday May 27.

A group started Friday afternoon by breaking down the RV into smaller pieces then transporting them to the bin at King Eddy and returned Saturday to remove the remaining junk pile while another group worked their way up to 7km on King Eddy picking up roadside garbage Saturday.

A huge thanks to everyone who came out to clean up!!!

King Eddy & Noble Canyon Cleanup

Friday May 26 through Sunday May 28

Come join us for a weekend of camping, good company, and cleaning our local stomping grounds. We will be dealing with the litter and old RVs along King Eddy and at Noble Canyon.

The gate to the sort yard at King Eddy will be open Friday evening so feel free to come out with your campers and tents. Be sure to follow the yellow arrows going into the sort yard, it’s pretty mucky right now so you don’t want to get off the beaten path.

The plan is to use our trucks, SUVs, trailers. to pick up and haul junk because it’s way quicker than using ATVs. There is a big garbage bin in the sort yard where everything will go so we’ll likely have multiple trips from the sort yard out to the various garbage deposits then back to the bin.

Saturday night dinner will be provided but if you want “adult drinks” you must provide your own as everyone has different tastes. Please RSVP by Friday May 26th if you would like dinner on the Saturday so we can make sure we have enough for all.

What You Need to Know

  1. Register by 5:00pm Friday May 26 to if you would like in on the Saturday afternoon BBQ.
  2. The gates to the Sort Yard on King Eddy FSR open at 5:00pm Friday May 26 for campers.
  3. Dry camping is available Friday and Saturday nights, gates close at 6:00pm Sunday.
  4. The Clean Up safety meeting starts at 9:30am Saturday May 27.
  5. The Saturday afternoon BBQ starts at 5:00pm Saturday May 27.
  6. There will be a ride from King Eddy staging at 10:00am Sunday May 28.

Getting Here

All the action takes place at the Sort Yard which is the gate to the left of the cattle guard at the bottom of King Eddy Forest Service Road. The gate will be open from 5:00pm Friday evening until it closes at 6:00pm Sunday. Google Map to Sort Yard –

We will have an outhouse at the Sort Yard but there are no services for campers (water, sewage, electricity), it’s dry camping in a large field.

What to bring for the cleanup:

  • A truck or trailer for the cleanup
  • Your trusty navigation & communication tools
  • Good boots, gloves and clothing for all weather
  • A rake, shovel, rolling magnet and bucket (if you have them – they’re used for pallet fire cleanup)
  • Bug spray and sunscreen
  • Food and drink during the cleanup

We will be supplying garbage bags, 5 gallon buckets, a list of cleanup areas and a giant dumpster to put all the garbage in. Some of the cleanup sites will be concentrated areas but we will also ask some people to cruise the roads and trails looking for trash.

After the cleanup we’ll have a way of getting yourself washed up before diving into the big BBQ to thank all the amazing volunteers for their hard work.

Picking up after other people is only so much fun, that’s why we have camping and rides planned throughout the weekend. We hope you can join us to camp for the weekend or take in one or more of the rides.

Schedule of Events:

Friday May 26

  • 5:00pm – Gates open for campers (Map to Sort Yard)
  • All evening – Stories around the campfire

Saturday May 27

Sunday May 28

  • 10:00am – Pre-ride safety meeting
  • 6:00pm – Sort Yard gate closed

Sunday May 21 – Bear Creek Trail Clearing Ride

Convoy leaves Vernon @ 8:30am, 10:00am Ride Start

It’s time to hit the Bear Creek trails on Westside Road, in exchange for trail clearing you get to ride for free for the day. Bring your chainsaw, handsaw or just bring some gloves to help chuck logs off the trails.

Our usual convoy leaves the Tim Horton’s on 58th Avenue across from Walmart Vernon at 8:30am for Terrace Mountain Road on the Westside. We will wait at the bottom of Terrace Mountain Road (just past the LaCasa Resort development) until 9:15am then will drive up until we find a suitable area to park and unload safely along the road, the preride safety meeting starts at 10:00am. Map of meeting location to Terrace Mountain Road.

Ride speed with reach up to 60kmh on Forest Service Roads, ride difficulty will be beginner to intermediate with assistance should we encounter difficult obstacles. We may pass recreation sites with outhouse facilities so plan accordingly.

Ride Recap

Thanks to Bear Creek trail trimmers (Angeline, Brad, David and Jeremy) who braved the morning deluge to get a couple hours cutting blowdown further off the trail before the heavy rain returned after lunch.

The trails we rode were all passable but the Okanagan Trail Riders Association encourage everyone to trim back a couple feet further which adds a huge safety factor and produces a really nice trail –…/videos

It was a really fun ride, check out the track on GaiaGPS and remember to buy your day or season pass for riding at Bear Creek. –

Friday Night Ride @ King Eddy

Ride starts at 6:30pm Friday May 12

You can’t always fit in a weekend ride so evenings are a sneaky way of getting a ride in without losing an entire day. 

The plan for this ride is to complete the planned loop to Beaver Lake from Saturday’s ride. Be ready to ride at 6:30pm Friday May 12 at the King Eddy staging area (9km east of Vernon on Highway 6).

Club riders are open to everyone, we encourage new riders to come to a couple of rides to see what the club is like before you join.

Ride Recap

It was an awesome turn out Friday night at King Eddy. 14 machines (5 ATV and 9 SXS) and all of them were full to the brim! There was even cluster of kids that tagged along and boy did they enjoy running around burning some energy.

There were some slushy and muddy bits and a whole lot of dust to go with the heat. The group headed out around 6:45pm and were back at the trucks a little after 11pm. The goal was to do the Beaver Lake Route but unfortunately some downed trees changed that plan.

The crew then turned around and headed back the way they came which ended up being a good thing as they crossed paths with a Kia Soul stuck in the snow. Everyone came together and after a little bit of rocking they were able to push the grateful driver out.

All in all it was the perfect way to finish the week and hope we get the same turn out for the next one!