Saturday May 6 Meeting & Ride

10:00am Meeting, 2:00pm Ride

An Open Meeting will be held at J-Ball Electronics (in the lane behind Banner Recreation at the red star in the map below) starting at 10:00am.

The club is providing coffee, donuts and pizza so please register by email by 5:00pm Friday May 5 so we know how much food we need for everyone. 

Truck & Trailer Parking at Meeting – there are limited trailer parking spaces in the J-Ball parking lot so if you’re bringing your trailer to the meeting, here are some parking options (look for the green on the map below):

  1. 45th Ave near the Roof Centre
  2. 45th Ave Purolator parking lot
  3. Along 28th Street
  4. Along 44th Ave
  5. In the corner of the BDM Motorsports parking lot (but you have to go in and buy something!)
  6. Along the west side (train track side) of 31st St

King Eddy Club Ride – 2:00pm start Saturday May 6
Arrive at the King Eddy staging area (9kms east of Downtown Vernon) between 1:00-1:30pm.

Our Safety Crew will be going over loading/unloading safety so leave your machine in your truck or on your trailer until they’ve had a chance to check out how you’ve secured your machine and then they’ll watch you unload and offer feedback. 

The ride starts at 2:00pm and will be done by 5:00pm.

Ride Recap

After a wet and nasty morning the clouds parted for the afternoon and big crowd of riders came out for the first ride of the year. The plan was to ride to Beaver Lake then ride a different way back to the scenic lookout but some snow and an unhappy belt ended the ride slightly early.

Thanks to Brad and Ginger for rocking their ride leader segments, great work downloading the route and leading the way!

Download the May 6 Ride Segments

It’s another chance to practice downloading map files and you may even get to lead the ride for one of the segments. We’ve broken the ride up into 5 route segments, please download these:

You will need to have Routes turned on in GaiaGPS to see these Routes.

Visit the ATV Club Trail Share on GaiaGPS and explore other trails in the surrounding areas. Map and trail information shared by the Vernon ATV Club is used at your own risk.

Customize Your Map Overlays

How to modify the data overlayed on Gaia maps.

Did you know you can customize which data overlays your map?

On the website click the “View Map Overlays” icon (circled top left corner) to see which map overlays are displayed. In the smartphone app click the layers icon (top right corner) then click Map Overlays (arrow) to reveal which overlays are displayed. 

There are times when there is too much data on the screen or perhaps you’re looking for a Public Track to ride but there aren’t any showing so remember to check your overlays!

Visit the ATV Club Trail Share on GaiaGPS and explore other trails in the surrounding areas. Map and trail information shared by the Vernon ATV Club is used at your own risk.

GPS Training Session 2

9:00am – 2:00pm Saturday April 22

It’s time to get practical and apply your newfound GPS skills, the second GPS Training session will be hands on so you’ll need to bring your GPS and laptop (if possible).

The group will split into Gaia and Garmin users so we can work through a number of topics on your GPS. File management is one of the more difficult tasks so bringing your laptop and GPS cord will allow us to practice this.

Please register by emailing the club, coffee and donuts will be provided, the course will be held at J-Ball Electronics in the lane behind Banner Recreation.

Other Information in Trail Share

Safety Alerts Added Wherever Possible

The Bardolph Lake area has some great trails but we also want to bring attention to the other information you can find in the ATV Club Trail Share.

Where possible we’ve added safety notices and this trail contains one such warning: a fun straight stretch with a hidden dip for a creek crossing. On the map you’ll see a skull and cross bones for this hazard (unfortunately Gaia doesn’t have a CAUTION icon).

When browsing the full screen map (click Explore the Map at the top of the page):

  1. Click on the waypoint icon to pull up more information 
  2. The left column will show info for that waypoint including photos (if available), elevation, coordinates, notes and links to Copy to My Waypoints, Export GPX, Open Details Page and Share
  3. The details page shows the waypoint on its own page
  4. The detailed photo for this waypoint

Please help us develop the Vernon ATV Club Trail share by using the Map Feedback page to submit maps, make comments and suggestions.

King Eddy Recreation Site Partnership Agreement

The King Eddy area is an ATV mecca and almost every ride goes by or stops at the King Eddy Lake Recreation site.

This heavily used Recreation Site is located immediately off King Edward FSR so it provides easy access for camping and fishing year round. Most site visitors are respectful and pack out what they bring in but the ATV Club has had to hold a number of cleanups here over the years.

In addition to keeping an eye on the site and cleaning up as necessary, the partnership agreement will allow for the development of a nude beach on the lower bench. “There were a lot of requests for a nude beach at King Eddy”, says Past President Clint Ingham. “ATVers need a place to cool off in the summer and some riders don’t want to get their gear wet so we had a surprising number of people asking for a nude beach here”.

“We thank Recreation, Sites and Trails for helping us through all the paperwork and approvals required to get this agreement,” said Ingham. Signs designating the nude beach will be going up in the next few weeks once the ice is off the lake.