Blessed by the ATV gods with the goldilocks of weather and terrain, the North Okanagan is rideable year round.

Unlike the sledder-heaven terrain to the north and east, the North Okanagan typically doesn’t get too much snow and with moderate slopes wheeled all terrain vehicles can either stay on top of the snow (with some slick throttle control) or blast on through with big tires and lots of RPMs.
Snow in the valley bottom doesn’t mean it’s time to park your quad or side x side, it means it’s time to throw on some long undies, grab your mitts and pack some extra clothes for the next ride.
Winter riding can be equal parts rewarding and frustrating, it depends on the day and the snow conditions. Inevitably someone gets stuck and some days everyone gets stuck, a lot!
There will be days when our tow truck comes along, it’s usually Marc and his RZR with tracks. Be sure you’re nice to Marc or he’ll pull you out of one spot and leave you further off the beaten trail, right Steve!
If you haven’t given winter riding a try, come out for a ride with the club. We always have a lunch campfire to warm up and come home with a few good stories after each ride. Get out of the Okanagan valley blaws, head to the hills for some fun and much needed midwinter vitamin D!