We’re fortunate to live in beautiful British Columbia as we have access to some of the best backcountry riding anywhere. Unfortunately our continued access isn’t assured, more people are enjoying a myriad of outdoor recreational pursuits placing increased pressure on the environment we all treasure.
As members of an ATV Club you’re likely not the cause of the problem, the vast majority of our club members understand the rules and respect others and the areas we ride. There are a number of things that you can do every time you ride to help keep riding areas open including:
- don’t ride in closed areas
- stay on the trail
- respect other trail users and neighbours
- be mindful that you are making noise, keep it to a minimum
- ensure you’re not transporting noxious weeds from one area to another
- stay clear of wildlife
- ride safely and look out for others

What do you do when you see this? Report it!
We all know this isn’t right, this trail in the alpine is in the now closed Joss-Tsuius-Mabel Mountain area (see below). Years ago the trail was a responsible trail, just wide enough for an ATV or pickup but over the years the trail has become a muddy disgrace.

One of the key principles of protecting our riding areas is to always stay on the trail. If there is a tree across the trail you cut it, you don’t ride around. If the puddle looks deep you either ride through it or turn around, you don’t ride around.
If you’re out riding and you see people damaging the environment get a photo (if you can safely do so) so you can report the offender. ATV Clubs supported the implementation of license plates so we could have a way of identifying problem makers.
Conservation and forestry are employing more hidden cameras to catch idiots but the reality is we need to police ourselves or we’ll be shut out of more riding areas.

Joss-Tsuius-Mable Mtn Motorized Closure
There is a significant closure in our area, the Joss-Tsuius-Mable Mtn area is the high land between Mabel and Sugar Lake that extends north almost to the Trans-Canada Highway at 3 Valley Gap. Everything above 1,700m elevation is closed to motorized vehicles from March 1 to November 30.
As of July 1st, 2018, under the Wildlife Act’s, Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulation 196/99, the Joss-Tsuis-Mable Mountain motor vehicle closure is listed under Schedule 1 – Motor Vehicle Closed Areas.
“motor vehicle” means a device in, on or by which a person or thing is being or may be transported or drawn, and which is designed to be self propelled, and includes an atv or snowmobile, but does not include:
(a) a device designed to be moved by human, animal or wind power,
(b) a device designed to be used exclusively on stationary rails or stationary tracks, or
(c) a boat propelled by motorized power;
Motor vehicle closed areas:
2. A person commits an offence if he or she uses or operates a motor vehicle in an area described in Schedule 1 during the period specified in that schedule for each area.
This essentially limits all motorized use (regardless of user) except during the winter months and on forest service roads and doesn’t exclude aircraft.