Two Views or Not Two Views Ride

Recap and Photos

Two views or not two views started off in the fog at King Eddie staging site with a chill in the air. As we climbed in altitude we left the fog behind, and proceeded to the cement mixer site to show to some of the new riders in club. Next we headed back up and turned off traveling towards the lobster trail, was lots of clearing to get the big side by sides up the tunnel, but no problem. Stopped at the towers for our first view of the valley fog but it cleared off just as we wrapped up lunch and carried on to Tween Lakes lookout. The roads were wet enough there was no dust, so a pleasant ride. On way back stopped at King Eddie Lake for a snack, the level of lake is incredibly low.

All in all a great ride, and I got to explain how raisins were made, so educational too.

Join Grey Leader (Steve) ready to ride at 10:00am Sunday, October 29 at King Eddy for a family friendly tour of Aberdeen Plateau trails including stops at two viewpoints high above the valley fog.

As mentioned this is a family friendly ride so the pace won’t be very fast and there will be stops along the way to take in the sights and chat with other riders.

You don’t need to be a Vernon ATV Club member to attend, take a couple rides with us to see if the club is a good fit for you.

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