Sweet Sugar Lake Sunday Ride

10:00am Sunday August 4, 2019

Riders are going to meet up at the bridge at the south end of Sugar Lake, where Sugar Lake Road first crosses the lake.

Google directions from Vernon to bridge at Sugar Lake

Find yourself a safe area to pull off the road that doesn’t block roads, driveways or other accesses. It takes roughly 1 hour from Vernon to Sugar Lake.

The forecast looks hot so come prepared for hot and dusty conditions plus be mindful of increasing forest fire hazards to bring your fire fighting gear.

We’ll have a BBQ after the ride so throw in a cooler with some burgers, hot dogs or whatnot to grill.

Rides and events are open to everyone, we encourage new riders to come out for a couple of rides to meet club members, find new trails and get a sense of the club before joining.

The Vernon ATV Club promotes responsible all terrain vehicle use. Riders must must carry their driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of $200,000 liability insurance for riding on forest service roads. Quad riders must wear a helmet, side x side riders aren’t required by law to wear helmets but we recommend they do.

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