Starting the Year Right Ride

Driving up to Becker Lake in the morning to where we were going to have the bonfire the truck was saying -18, but once we got up top we were above the clouds and the sun soon burned what was left off. Lots of people out enjoying the sun on Monday and a big group came out to ride the Bardolph and Becker Lake trails. Thanks Lee and Monique for driving all the way up to get the fire going just in time for us to arrive for lunch, that’s what a fire is supposed to look like!

Every year we start the new year off right, with a ride as far as the trails will allow. The snow never stops a good ride, dress warm and bring something to cook over the lunch campfire.

We’re going to ride at Noble Canyon this year so remember to unload at the cattle guard and park along the road back toward the highway. Please don’t park near the cattle guard as trucks and trailers need space to turn around here – map of parking area.

The ride will roll out from the cattle guard at 11:00am and will explore Bardolph and Becker Lake trails and wrap up around a big bonfire.

Bring your friends, rides are open to everyone as we encourage non-members to come ride with the club a couple of times to meet folks and find new trails.

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