Ride with Salmon Arm at Skimikin

Ride Recap & Photos

Salmon Arm club and the Walker family do it again, another great ride! The Skimikin trails have seen an awful lot of water this year and then add on some recent windstorms and there was a lot of chainsawing and turning around when we ran into impassable walls of rubble left behind by the raging torrents.

Starting in the soggy valley bottom we soon climbed high into the mountains and did a tour of all the strategically located communication towers and the network of roads and trails connecting them. On the way down we passed washed out roads and bridges before we dropped into an old cedar forest with such a dense canopy you almost needed your headlights. We also encountered critters and flowers in bloom on the ride.

After returning to the parking lot the group patiently waited on the slow bbq while they were attacked by the swarms of mosquitoes. Great fun, we look forward to riding Skimikin again soon and hopefully getting a work day to help clear the trails of blowdown.

Rides with the Salmon Arm club never disappoint and this won’t be any exception, Skimikin is a great riding area! This ride starts at 10:00am at Skimikin Lake at the parking lot east of Skimikin Lake (Google directions).

Bring your appetite as we’re having a free BBQ after the ride, please email to let us know you’re coming so we have enough food for everyone.

For riders travelling from Vernon we’re going to meet at the Tim Horton’s parking lot on 58th Avenue, the convoy leaves there at 8:30am so we’re ready for the 10:00am ride start.

As with all ATV Club rides, everyone is welcome whether you’re a club member or not so invite your friends, family and neighbours. The ride is planned for between 50-90kms in length, with terrain varying from ATV trails, old skid road to forest service road. We try to accommodate riders of all skill levels which means stopping to help if we encounter a difficult portion of trail.

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