Ride Photos
Ride starts at 11:30am Sunday January 1, 2017
Start the year off right, but not too early ok! Bring your after-party remedy of choice and be ready to ride at 11:30am Sunday, January 1, 2017.
Starting from the bottom of King Eddy FSR, this ride will explore some of the trails that have been pre-ridden over the holidays.
Dress warm and bring a lunch to have at the lunch bonfire around 1:00pm. Ride will be the usual winter exploration ride consisting of main forest service roads and as many trails as possible. Trail difficulty is normally green to blue in winter conditions and assistance will be provided to anyone needing it.
I just joined the club the other day. How far off highway 6 is this starting?
Hey, did anybody get any pics of the group recovering the Polaris sled with my commander? If so could you post them , my phone froze and I couldn’t get any . Thanks and I’ll join the club, had a great time!!!
Hi Mike,
Just posted one photo of you retrieving the sled on the website but I think you may have already seen it on facebook. Will see if there are any more photos out there and will try to update along with the weekly email that goes out on Wednesday.