9am start – Sunday September 3 @ King Eddy
Rain, rain, rain… now it’s time to get back to riding. The ride starts at 9am this Sunday, September 3 at the parking/staging area at King Eddy just off Highway 6 with a planned wrap up around 2pm.
This ride will be a mix of FSR and trail, most riding is at an upper beginner to intermediate level with a few more technical sections sprinkled in. This is not a slow sightseeing ride, plan to cover 80-100km. There will be a couple of breaks, bring snacks or lunch.
Riding on the Aberdeen Plateau means changing weather conditions, come prepared with extra clothes because there is an increased chance of cold and rainy at elevation.
Rides are open to everyone, if you’re not a member please feel free to come to a couple of rides to meet other riders and find new trails.